Survivor 5 Fan, Holly Valance’s A Down To Earth Singer

“Everything is looking good for me and I am still on a high from the success of the first single” said the down-to-earth singer, who has asked her London assistants to call her Holly, not Miss Valance.

“I am just ready to go for it and see where this all takes me. I’ll come home and get a normal job if nothing happens” said the sexy popster who has decided to stay in London permanently.

Obviously, I’m talking about Holly Valance who rocketed to No 1 on the UK singles charts earlier this year with her cover of Tarkan’s hit ‘Kiss, Kiss’, will release her new number on the 23rd of September entitled ‘Down Boy’.

The 19 year old who can’t wait for the brand new season of Survivor 5 {Thailand> to start on the 19th of September, will dump the naked-look and go for one that depict her as a fun-loving innocent.

The move is to target not just boys and men but the ladies and girls as well.

Visit Holly’s official cyber home http://www.hollyvalance.net. Visit Survivor 5’s official website here.
