Categories: Soluna

Soluna On N’Sync, Aaliyah

Speaking to reporters, the ladies from Soluna were saying that one of the most amazing celebrities they’ve met was actually Aaliyah, whom they bonded and partied with till the wee hours of the morning at one of P Diddy’s parties, before she met with a tragic end.

Jessica Jones said “She was awesome. Just simply beautiful. It’s a pity she’s no longer around.”

Jessica also said that she prefers the boys from N’Sync than Backstreet Boys. She said “Yeah, they are one of the groups that me and the other girls all agree to listen to when we are together. They’re very hardworking, you know. We’ve decided that if they allow, we would most unquestionably like to open and support them on tours and stuff.”

Visit the girls at their homepage below

