Categories: N Sync

Not Very Nice N’Sync In Rent And In Space

N’Sync has visited New York’s Virgin Megastore loads of times in the last few years but not once have they been greeted with a healthy welcome from the employees. Yes, the boys from N’Sync are not exactly what you would call sweet.

“Justin has an attitude problem” says one source. Complaining seems to be the consistent story among the employees. “I need more water. I need more light. I need more make-up -blah, blah, blah. They make me sick” says another source.

Meanwhile, N’Sync’s Joey Fatone is to take some time out from the band, to tread the boards in a musical.

The appropriately named singer-cum-actor, who’s already starred in a couple of moderately successful movies, is planning to play filmmaker and video artist Mark Cohen in the Broadway version of the musical Rent.

Fatone has just started rehearsing for the production and will take his debut bow on 5th of August.

And finally, after all the confusion surrounding his participation in a forthcoming spaceflight, it’s been revealed that Joey’s bandmate Lance Bass is currently at a cosmonaut training centre in Russia, where he’s preparing for his trip.

According to reports, The Russian Space Agency have confirmed that Lance is currently in training, although they’ve pointed out that negotiations are ongoing and, as-of-yet, no contract has been signed.
