Jennifer Lopez Real Busy Making Movies

Jennifer Lopez may be stepping into the superhero world with ‘Shrink’ but don’t expect to see her in spandex.

“She’s surely not going to get dressed up in spandex” said ‘Shrink’ creator, Rob Liefeld. “She gets to look great in her designer clothes and at the same time, be the center of a universe where everything around her is extraordinary.”

Picked up by J.Lo’s production company, Nuyorican, ‘Shrink’, the film version of the online comic strip, will star the pop diva as a psychiatrist who counsels both costumed heroes and villains. Nuyorican is also developing ‘Shrink’ alongside a handful of other projects.

“There’s also my ‘Carmen’ and I also have a upcoming flick called for now the ‘Hector Lavoe’ project, which is about a salsa singer and we’re getting most probably Marc Anthony to star with me. It’s about New York and that kind of whole salsa era. That’ll be interesting” J.Lo said recently.

Though ‘Shrink’ is expected to steer clear of salsa dancing, Rob deems it will positively stand out amid the slew of more serious comic-inspired movies flooding theaters.

“See, the genre was getting more accepted with the ‘X-Men’ movie, plus ‘Spider-Man’ blew like everything up ok and so somebody has to take the piss out of them right. That’s what we’re going to do” the veteran comic creator said.
