Categories: Shaggy

Shaggy’s Into India.Arie And Prefers Being A Homebody

It’s hard to think that Shaggy and his persona on videos and all don’t match. But apparently they don’t and this comes straight from the horse’s mouth.

“There is certainly the Shaggy persona and the character that I get into. I do have a lot of fun with it. But that’s it.”

“I cannot be Shaggy 24/7. I am the type of person who is more of a homebody. I love to stay at home and I love movies and spending time with close friends.”

“I am definitely not as flamboyant or outgoing as my character.”

Meanwhile, Shaggy reveals that he’s totally into India.Arie.

“At the moment, I am really into the new record by India.Arie. She’s so talented and sings incredibly. All of you guys should hear her if you haven’t that is.”
