Nelly Furtado Joined Juanes On Stage

Nelly Furtado joined Juanes on stage on the 16th of October during the Latin rocker’s Los Angeles show at the Mayan Theatre.

The Canadian-Portuguese pop star and the Colombian singer-guitarist sang a duet of ‘Fotografia’ from his current Universal album, ‘Un Dia Normal’. The beautiful and svelte vocalistress appears on the album as well, and the pair had also performed together at the Latin Grammy Awards, where Juanes won best rock song for ‘A Dios Le Pid’.

Juanes told a webzine that taking the stage with Nelly Furtado the first time at the Latin Grammy Awards was a memorable experience. “You know, I was so happy when I was performing. She’s so beautiful like a Miss India contestant or something and she’s so talented and she sings amazingly. So, for me it was like such a beautiful experience” he said.

Juanes also disclosed that the pair might be collaborating on a song for Nelly Furtado’s next album, currently in production.
