Jessica Simpson’s Poor Sales And Is Disliked By The Rest Of 98 Degrees

It’s been reported all around that Jessica Simpson’s latest offering, ‘This Is The Remix’ has sold very poorly and hasn’t even surfaced the Billboard charts.

The CD is selling as low as $8.99 at Amazon.com and it seems that it only has sales of 4,000 copies.

Meanwhile, Ashton Kutcher was virtually ignored when Jessica Simpson and he were at the taping of That ’70s Show at Malibu’s Paradise Cove Beach Wednesday.

Jessica generously posed for photos with a 14 year old boy and a family on vacation from Japan. “She’s even prettier in person than on TV” gushed one female admirer.

Also, this is just mere gossip but it’s fun to know about nonetheless. Groupies are dishing dirt on Jessica Simpson and her 98 Degrees fiance Nick Lachey on the GroupieCentral.com forums, including talk that both parties have cheated on each other in the past, as well as renewed talk that Nick’s bandmates don’t like Jessica.
