Claire Richards Piqued By Dress Disaster

Former Steps chanteuse Claire Richards was apparently none-too-pleased when filming SM:tv on July 6th, as former Five star Abs Breen’s video was screened during the show.

According to an insider, the bubbly singer was left reeling after she noticed that the saucy, crocheted dress worn by one of Abs’ dancers in his promo for ‘What You Got’ was the very same outfit Claire can seen be sporting in the video to her and H’s next single, ‘Half A Heart’, which was broadcast just 30 minutes later by SM:tv’s sister show, CD:uk.

“Claire’s usually smiley chops took a sudden a downward turn the minute she saw the girl in the same dress” the source revealed, explaining further “She just couldn’t believe that the videos were being shown so soon after each other.”

What makes matters even worse, both singles are released on the same day, 12th of August.
