UB40 Sue Paris Hilton As Jail Time Looms

UB40 is suing Paris Hilton’s record label for GBP 250,000 in the High Court in London, claiming breach of copyright over her hit single “Stars Are Blind”. Paris, who was at the MTV Movie awards on Sunday, recorded the song last year and it reached a respectable number eighteen on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. However, according to UB40, the song is a copy of a substantial part of Kingston Town, written in 1989 by Kendrick Patrick. Paris is already due to report to prison in California on Tuesday for violating for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case – let’s hope this latest legal challenge doesn’t land her in even more hot water. Do you think the starlet copied the UB40 track? Here are the two songs to help you make up your own mind:Paris Hilton’s Stars Are Blind

UB40’s Kingston Town

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